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Quiet sleep
We need it more than ever.
Your snoring loudness bothers the people arount you?
In most cases
also due to the relaxation of muscle tone.
Sleep disorders?
We can help you
to find the real cause.
Poor sleep?
may be due to causes other than that you believe.
Oral Split
Oral appliance for snoring and sleep apnea

Teeth grinding - Symptom or Problem? - 21/01/2018

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Teeth grinding
An image often encountered by many doctors (dentists, GPs, physicians) in the examination of patients is that of teeth worn by teeth.
Also, the reports of patients and their relatives are very common for complaints about the inconvenience caused by the creepy noise of tooth scuffing during sleep, those who sleep near them and their consequences.
This problem is experienced by both adults and children.
This condition is also referred to as bruxism or tooth bruising.
The usual theory to date is that it is due to physical or psychological fatigue (stress) and this symptom is dealt with by making a personalized splint that covers the surface of the teeth of a jaw so that the teeth do not rub against each other and the recommendation for tranquility and relaxation.
Nowadays, modern scientific research worldwide links these two medical issues, and they think that tooth prickling is most often a symptom of sleep apnea syndrome and investigative diagnostic tests should always be done.
Therefore, all medical specialists involved should suspect the possibility of concealing behind this "habit" of scratching, a serious illness with many health consequences for sufferers.
Especially dentists who care for the oral and not just the health of their patients have the obligation to inform and if they have the knowledge, to deal with this situation or to refer them to the experts!
An oral split, it can be a solution at the same time both these related medical problems!

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